« Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Town Hall », Part II
In 2017, the UN passed a resolution to host a UN High Level Meeting (HLM) on Universal Health Coverage (UHC), the first of its kind. In September 2019, Member States will convene during the UN General Assembly to discuss prioritization of UHC at the country level. Several mechanisms exist at a global level for civil society and community stakeholders to influence the HLM’s final outcome document and how it will lay the foundation for achieving UHC. Additionally, civil society and community stakeholders, particularly those from affected populations, have an important role in mobilizing their members and holding governments accountable through their advocacy efforts. What is less clear, is how civil society and communities can advocate most effectively at the local level over the next several months and beyond the UN meeting to influence policy and program decisions that will have an impact in how their own country sets a path to achieve UHC. Members of the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030 (CSEM) have led global and national consultations in an effort to insert civil society and community perspectives in the lead up to the HLM. These engagements and learnings will be valuable for other stakeholders to replicate, if HLM recommendations and related commitments are to be person-centered and best serve civil society and community needs.