The Walking Dead 5x03 - "Four Walls And A Roof" Reaction

The Walking Dead 5x03 - "Four Walls And A Roof" Reaction

Tainted meat! -- Intro & Comment Discussion: 00:00 Reaction: 0:33 After Thoughts: 20:49 -- You can get the full reaction on Patreon for $7 located here:   / walking-dead-and-119567621   You can check out other The Walking Dead full reactions here: Hey what's up you guys, After Show Reacts here and today I'm reacting to The Walking Dead! I bet you're wondering how I got in this situation. Well after I woke up from a nice nap I heard growling noises coming from outside. Turns out the zombie apocalypse is in full swing. Yay me as I'm absolutely terrified of zombies. Luckily a man named Rick Grimes and his group of survivors found me and they are leading me to a safe place. I have a website now, making it really easy to find content that you otherwise may not be able to find, check it out here: Check the schedule for updates on the shows you watch on the community tab located here:    / aftershowreactions   Intro created by: @aharleyjones (thank you) Video edited by: Tony (thank you Tony!) *DISCLAIMER This is my first time watching this show and would appreciate if nobody would spoil it for me in the comment section below. I understand you may be excited about upcoming arcs and think you're clever with the way you word your little hints but they are indeed spoilers and can ruin the fun. I appreciate and love you all and want to experience this with you guys free of any spoilers or hints. Thank you. Binge & Break - When the season has been binged & recorded, the reactions will be uploaded and when the whole season has been released, it will go on break until the next season has been binged. _ Follow me on twitter for updates:   / aftershowreacts   Join the After Show Reactions Discord:   / discord   EARLY FULL REACTIONS & PILOTS ON PATREON HERE:   / aftershowreactions   #thewalkingdead #reaction #tvshow