Surya Namaskar + Abs & Core Yoga Workout | FIT 30 | Yogalates with Rashmi

Surya Namaskar + Abs & Core Yoga Workout | FIT 30 | Yogalates with Rashmi

Brand new core drills to keep you strong and keep you going! Have fun and write in the comments to let me know how you liked this one! Website: Follow Rashmi on Social Media Instagram :   / therashmiramesh   Twitter:   / therashmiramesh   Facebook:   / therashmiramesh   CREDITS Direction, Camera, Sound & Editing: Malay Vadalkar #absworkout #cardioyogaworkout #core #sunsalutations #yogaforweightloss #yogaathome #stayhome #rashmiramesh #withme #bellyfat #burnbellyfat