Friday Family Film Night: HOME SWEET HOME ALONE review

Friday Family Film Night: HOME SWEET HOME ALONE review

In which the Mister joins me in reviewing HOME SWEET HOME ALONE (2021), currently available on Disney +. Directed by Dan Mazer, from a screenplay/story by John Hughes (with the current script attributed to Mikey Day and Streeter Seidell); the film follows the misadventures of Pam and Jeff (Ellie Kemper and Rob Delaney) who are forced to sell their home following some hard times. Enter bratty Max (Archie Yates) who through some misunderstandings crosses paths with Jeff and Pam to some disastrous results. At the end, the message of the film is the importance of spending time at home with family at the holidays although not as effectively as the original HOME ALONE film. Our advice - skip this and watch the original one instead. The film has a run time of 1 h 33 m and is rated PG. Please note there are SPOILERS in this review. #HomeSweetHomeAlon #Disney+ Opening intro music: GOAT by Wayne Jones, courtesy of YouTube Audio Library