Liv 52 Tablet = BEST * Tablet for Liver problem | पीलिया, टाइफाइड, भूक न लगने की समस्या जो सही करे
Disclaimer:- This video is for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have watched on this channel. Himalaya Liv. 52 Tablet includes natural ingredients that exhibit potent hepatoprotective properties against chemically-induced hepatotoxicity. It restores the functional efficiency of the liver by protecting the hepatic parenchyma and promoting hepatocellular regeneration. The antiperoxidative activity of Liv.52 prevents the loss of functional integrity of the cell membrane, maintains cytochrome P-450 (a large and diverse group of enzymes, which catalyze the oxidation of organic substances), fastens the recovery period, and ensures early restoration of hepatic functions in infective hepatitis. Benefits - (1) It facilitates the rapid elimination of acetaldehyde (produced by the oxidation of ethanol that is popularly believed to cause hangovers) and ensures protection from alcohol-induced hepatic damage (2) It diminishes the lipotropic (compounds that help catalyze the breakdown of fat) effect in chronic alcoholism and prevents fatty infiltration of the liver (3) In pre-cirrhotic conditions, it arrests the progress of cirrhosis and prevents further liver damage Ingredients - (1) Chicory (Kasani) - protects the liver against alcohol toxicity. It is also a potent antioxidant, which can be seen by its free radical scavenging property and has hepatoprotective property. (2) The Caper Bush (Himsra) is a potent hepatoprotective. It inhibits the elevation of malondialdehyde (biomarker for oxidative stress) levels in plasma and hepatic cells. Caper Bush also inhibits the ALT and AST enzyme levels and improves the functional efficiency of the liver.Flavonoids present in the Caper Bush exhibit significant antioxidant properties, as well Get in touch with the solution Pharmacy and Pharmacy Dictionary by just clicking the following links- Facebook Group- / solutionpharamcy Facebook Page- / pharmavideo The main channel for a detailed Syllabus (Solution- Pharmacy) - / solutionpushpendra Instagram- / solutionpharmacy E-Mail for official and other work - [email protected] LinkedIn- / pushpendrakpatel #Pharmacydictionarybypushpendrapatel #Pharmacologyclass #GPATonlinetest#Pharamcologyenglish#GPAT#NIPER#PHARMACIST