Why sound doesn’t cancel out by colliding ? | IIT JEE &  NEET by Prateek Jain Sir, Kota

Why sound doesn’t cancel out by colliding ? | IIT JEE & NEET by Prateek Jain Sir, Kota

Two loudspeakers are arranged facing each other at some distance. Will a person standing behind one of the loudspeakers clearly hear the sound of the other loudspeaker or the clarity will be seriously damaged because of the collision of the two sounds in between ? Source of the Question: HC Verma | Questions for short Answers and Solutions | Chapter 16 | Sound Waves | Question no. 4 Visit website: https://www.physicsaholics.com Join my telegram channels for latest updates: https://t.me/NEET_PHYSICS and https://t.me/IITJEE_PHYSICS On my telegram you'll also find the links of my FREE LIVE classes that I take everyday. Watch my free live classes on unacademy: https://unacademy.com/@physicsbyprate... Instagram handle: physicsaholics_prateek Or simply click on the link to reach my instagram account exclusively for students: https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Yl0gnBf... #IITJEE #NEET #prateekjain #physicsaholics #unacademy #physicsaholic #physicslive #neet2020 #jee2021 #jee2020 #physicsliveclasses #physicslivesession #neetphysics #jeephysics #unacademyneet #unacademyjee #iitjee #neet #mbbs #aiims #physicsmemes #stethoscope #mbbsabroad #jee #jeemains #doctor #futuredoctor #neetpreparation #kotacoaching #cbse #medicalstudent #neetaspirants #neetug #cbsememes #mbbsstudent #kota #kotaphysics #kotafaculty #kotaphysics #physicsjokes #neetexam #neet2021 #neetaspirant #kotafactory #motivation #neetphysicsformula #neetphysicspreparation #neetphysicsguide #bestphysicsteacher #hcverma #hcv #questionsforshortanswers #hcvsolutions #bestphysicsteacherindia