Break Through Creative Blocks With THE ARTIST'S WAY – 6 Weeks In

Break Through Creative Blocks With THE ARTIST'S WAY – 6 Weeks In

I am doing The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron and am 6 weeks in to the 12 week course. The results so far are quite unexpected! This book is famous for helping people unlock their creativity, overcome creative blocks, and rediscover inspiration. In this video, I break down my journey week by week, including key takeaways, challenges, and major breakthroughs. 📌 In this video: • What The Artist’s Way is and how it works • My honest experience following the 12-week program • Biggest lessons from each week • Whether or not I recommend it! Here is the playlist for The Artist’s Way:    • 5 Reasons Why You Should Book an Arti...   And what I learned from week 1:    • What I Learned from Julia Cameron's L...   🎙️The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers – Fair Use, Copyright, and Licensing. AI And The Author Business With Alicia Wright ___________________ FOLLOW ME ON: 🇺🇸 🇸🇪 https://www.fö 📸 Instagram:   /   🎙️ A Year of Writing Podcast 📙 Flykten   / flykten   🎧 Flykten - ljudbok 📔 Essäer om skrivande och vardagsflykt My name is Natalie Forslind, I am a writing coach, author, and Growth Markter who teaches writers how to become more productive and market themselves online. ___________________ Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:52 Week 1 01:29 Morning Pages 04:13 Week 2 06:31 Week 3 07:28 Week 4 09:16 Week 5 10:33 Week 6