FANTASTIC 4: RISE OF THE SILVER SURFER Clip - "Fantastic 4 vs. Dr. Doom" (2007)
FANTASTIC 4: RISE OF THE SILVER SURFER Clip - "Fantastic 4 vs. Dr. Doom" (2007). Most Popular Movie Clips -- https://bit.ly/3aqFfcg FANTASTIC 4: RISE OF THE SILVER SURFER is the movie by Tim Story. PLOT: The Fantastic Four learn that they aren't the only super-powered beings in the universe when they square off against the powerful Silver Surfer and the planet-eating Galactus. RELEASE DATE: 15 June 2007 (USA) GENRE: Action, Adventure, Fantasy STARS: Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans BUY/RENT HERE! https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/AS... SUBSCRIBE for more all the latest Movie Clips here: https://bit.ly/31ByDAf For more daily movie news updates, check out: http://www.joblo.com/ Check out all of the JOBLO YOUTUBE channels: MOVIE TRAILERS: https://bit.ly/1GUxgxm MOVIE CLIPS: https://bit.ly/31ByDAf TV TRAILERS: https://bit.ly/2rgxfot SUPERHEROES: https://bit.ly/2W1GS7r ANIMATED: https://bit.ly/2Jd1moq HORROR: https://bit.ly/2p5YhzR ORIGINAL CONTENT VIDEOS: https://bit.ly/2MCQJh4 CELEBRITY INTERVIEWS: https://bit.ly/2W0EeyK #Fantastic4RiseoftheSilverSurfer #Fantastic4 #FantasticFour #DrDoom #MrFantastic #HumanTorch #TheSilverSurfer #InvisibleWoman