Self Control, Over Surrender | Mark Affleck

Self Control, Over Surrender | Mark Affleck

#selfcontrol #overcomefear #markafflecktv #trending How to deal with an out of control world. How to have victory. -------------------- BIBLE REFERENCES James 4:1-10 Submit Yourselves to God 4 What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? ------------------- NEW CHRISTIANS? If you're taking the early steps on your faith walk or considering accepting Jesus as your personal Savior, click below to receive our free “Faith Starter.” -------------------- NEED PRAYER? Click below to connect with our prayer team and let us know how we can pray for you. -------------------- GOT A MINUTE? That's all it takes to read Love God Fear Nothing’s Blog—“Mark’s Minute” Monday through Friday. Click below, it’s free. -------------------- For More Go To: -------------------- STAY CONNECTED FACEBOOK   / markevanaffleck   INSTAGRAM   / markevanaff.  . YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBE #OvercomingBadThoughts #Forgive #HowToOvercomeFear #LoveGodFearNothing #MarkAffleckTV #AnxiousOfNothing #FearNothing #fearless #godspower #Loveforgives #loveEveryone