My planner, with Brussels Sprouts and Kalettes plus a tasty dish

My planner, with Brussels Sprouts and Kalettes plus a tasty dish

Enjoy the food, the fun of growing it, and make it part of your plan for the year. THE CHARLES DOWDING GARDEN PLANNER See my monthly seed collections too 00:00 Overview 00:05 Charles shows you the Kalette plants sown 8th May 00:17 Introducing the new Charles Dowding Planner 01:00 Harvesting the Kaletttes 01:51 Harvest of Brussels Sprouts Brigitte F1 02:45 Details of Brussels Sprouts interplanted with carrots 02:58 Planner show how to display interplanting 03:18 Net over to protect from pigeons 03:36 Brussels Sprouts Tops 04:17 Nicola in the kitchen describes what she is preparing 06:02 Nicola plates up the three dishes 06:55 Charles describes the lovely winter flavours Support my work → Shop: → Online Courses: → Join the channel: @charlesdowding1nodig → T-Shirts & Hoodies: LEARN MORE Cookbook → FREE Tips in my newsletter: → FREE Resources: → Blog: → Instagram:   / charles_dowding   → Substack: → TikTok:   / charles_dowding   → Pinterest:   / charlesdowding   → Patreon:   / charlesdowding   Filmed mid-December Homeacres by Nicola Smith, no dig garden Somerset UK You can join this channel by paying a monthly fee, to support our work with helping gardeners grow better, and to receive monthly videos made only for members:    / @charlesdowding1nodig   #gardenplanning #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #nodig #nodiggardening