My planner, with Brussels Sprouts and Kalettes plus a tasty dish
Enjoy the food, the fun of growing it, and make it part of your plan for the year. THE CHARLES DOWDING GARDEN PLANNER https://charlesdowding.gardenplanner.com See my monthly seed collections too https://premierseedsdirect.com/charle... 00:00 Overview 00:05 Charles shows you the Kalette plants sown 8th May 00:17 Introducing the new Charles Dowding Planner 01:00 Harvesting the Kaletttes 01:51 Harvest of Brussels Sprouts Brigitte F1 02:45 Details of Brussels Sprouts interplanted with carrots 02:58 Planner show how to display interplanting 03:18 Net over to protect from pigeons 03:36 Brussels Sprouts Tops 04:17 Nicola in the kitchen describes what she is preparing 06:02 Nicola plates up the three dishes 06:55 Charles describes the lovely winter flavours Support my work → Shop: https://shop.charlesdowding.co.uk → Online Courses: https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/educ... → Join the channel: @charlesdowding1nodig → T-Shirts & Hoodies: https://charlesdowding.teemill.com LEARN MORE Cookbook https://shop.charlesdowding.co.uk/pro... → FREE Tips in my newsletter: https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/#new... → FREE Resources: https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/reso... → Blog: https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/blog → Instagram: / charles_dowding → Substack: https://substack.com/@charlesdowding → TikTok: / charles_dowding → Pinterest: / charlesdowding → Patreon: / charlesdowding Filmed mid-December Homeacres by Nicola Smith, no dig garden Somerset UK You can join this channel by paying a monthly fee, to support our work with helping gardeners grow better, and to receive monthly videos made only for members: / @charlesdowding1nodig #gardenplanning #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #nodig #nodiggardening