Spider-Man Part 15 - Rhino and Scorpion, and The Truth About Harry

Spider-Man Part 15 - Rhino and Scorpion, and The Truth About Harry

Spider-Man Part 15 - Rhino and Scorpion, and The Truth About Harry We begin this episode by checking in with Aunt May, who we haven't seen since the fire. She's not looking so hot, and is trying to hide that she's sick. We then take control of Miles Morales again, as we try to evade Rhino who is tearing a shipping yard apart looking for us for some reason. We successfully make it through, then beat up some thugs with the tactics that Spider-Man taught us. We bring the medical supplies back to F.E.A.S.T. and then we assume control of Spider-Man again and head after Rhino at his last known location. We play bull fighter, but Rhino isn't alone, and we have to deal with Scorpion as well. After our intense double boss fight, we then take control of MJ who is looking for dirt on Norman Osborne. We sneak into his penthouse, and begin looking for clues. What we find, is the truth about what's going on with Harry Osborne. He didn't go away to Europe, he is sick and being treated so he doesn't suffer the same fate that his mother did. While exploring this research, we accidentally release some of the super spiders that made Spider-Man who he is. One hitches a ride back with us, and that will come into play later. We decide to end here, and will begin wrapping up the story in the next episode with a few other missions and things, before our big fight with Dock Ock. Subscribe for more Videos and check out my Channel at:    / @alteredstategaming   You can follow me on Twitter at @Altereds_Tweets Here you can see more videos, pictures, quotes, gifs, and more! Also, leave a like on my Facebook page at:   / alteredstategaming   Drop by my channel for more gameplay videos, walkthroughs, music videos, and funny moments. Thank you so much for your support!