VILLAGES, TOWNS AND TRADE || CHAPTEER 08 || NCERT || HISTORY || CLASS 06 • VILLAGES, TOWNS AND TRADE || CHAPTEER... VILLAGES, TOWNS AND TRADE || CHAPTEER 08 || NCERT || HISTORY || CLASS 06 || QUESTIONN AND ANSWER Iron Tools and Agriculture Use of iron can be traced back 3000 years with growing use reflecting some 2500 years ago. These iron tools used included axes for clearing forests and the iron ploughshare, most useful for increasing agricultural production. Other Steps to Increase Production: Irrigation Kings and kingdoms needed the support of flourishing villages to exist. The new tools and the system of transplantation increased production. Irrigation was also used. Irrigation works built during this time included canals, wells, tanks, and artificial lakes. Who Lived in the Villages? 3 different kinds of people lived in villages in the southern and northern parts of the subcontinent. Large landowners were known as vellalar, whereas ordinary ploughmen were known as uzhavar. Meanwhile, landless labourers, including slaves, were known as kadaisiyar and adimai. The northern part of the country had village headman or grama bhojaka. The men from the same family held the position for generations and post was hereditary for grama bhojaka. He was the largest landowner and had slaves. He hired workers to cultivate the land and was powerful. King often used him to collect taxes from the village. He functioned as a judge and policeman. Apart from the grama bhojaka, other independent farmers-grihapatis were smaller landowners. The men and women such as the dasa karmakara did do not own land, but had to earn a living working on the fields owned by others. In most villages, there were also some crafts persons such as the blacksmith, potter, carpenter and weaver. villages towns and trade class 6 villages towns and trade class 6 animation class 6th history chapter 8 explanation class 6th history chapter 8 exercise Educational Channel Educational video All About Study subject education learning upsc statepcs competition exam ncert class6 HISTORY