FCC Louisburg Sunday Worship - 10:30am (7/31/2022)
Eighth Sunday After Pentecost Prelude – "There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy" (2:56) Welcome and Announcements (4:24) Hymn of Gathering – "Here Is Love" (8:55) Responsive Call to Worship - "Psalm 107.1-9 & 33-43" (12:03) Children's Sermon (15:39) Scripture Reading - "Hosea 11.1-11" (21:35) Sermon – "The Hound of Heaven" (23:55) Call for our Offerings, Doxology, Prayer (34:30) Sharing of Joys & Concerns and Pastoral Prayer (38:38) The Lord’s Supper & The Lord's Prayer (45:01) Communion Song – "I Stand Amazed in the Presence" (49:48) Closing Hymn – "O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go" (53:50) Benediction & Postlude - "I’ve Got Peace Like a River" (56:25) Join us for Sunday morning worship at First Christian Church of Louisburg, KS. In the sanctuary at 8:30am or 10:30am (live stream). Visit our website at www.fcclouisburgks.org