LES Sunday Morning Service, October 30th, 2022
May you be blessed beyond the measure in your going out and coming in, may God continue to guide and favour you through the happiest and even roughest of times. As our Apostle Allison Smith-Conliff ministers the word of God 📜✨ And our Worship Team, Glorious Blaze, And our Dance and Drama Team, Exousia Orcheomai minister to you in song and dance, may you have a Godly encounter, an experience as never before 😊 We are the light of the world, like a city on a hill that cannot be hid. Set your light for all men to see and glory our Father who’s in Heaven☁️😇. Family and friends in Christ, there’s no place to be than in the loving arms of our Saviour, don’t dare let your faith waver, let’s continue to Commit, Connect, Ignite, Empower and Impart God’s Love and Truth to all people.✨🙏🏽💛💙💛🙏🏽✨