SA nodal and ventricular muscle action potential Chapter 9 part 2 Guyton and hall - Heart physiology

SA nodal and ventricular muscle action potential Chapter 9 part 2 Guyton and hall - Heart physiology

To buy ‘Medical Gateway – Lecture Notes’ visit our Instagram page. Instagram page: ‘medicalgateway9’ Instagram page link: In this video we will study SA nodal and ventricular muscle action potential. The topic of SA nodal and ventricular muscle action potential will be covered from chapter 9 of Guyton and Hall Text Book Of Medical Physiology. #sanodeactionpotential #ventricularactionpotential #heartphysiology #sanode #cardiaccycle #ecg #arrhythmias #atria #ventricle #ecgleads #guytonandhallphysiologylectures #guyton #GuytonandHallTextBookOfMedicalPhysiology #Guyton​andhall #cell #MBBS​ #BDS #goodgrades​ #urdu​ #hindi​ #physiology​ #cell​physiology #guyton​chapter9 #1styearMBBSlectures #2ndyearMBBSlectures