ALIVE! 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time 6.25.23 ~ All Saints Parish
Thank you for joining us today at All Saints Parish! #allsaintsparish #allparish Gospel Discussion Questions: 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time- Matthew 10:26-33 What is the message or story? What is the Good News in this passage? Of whom are you afraid? Why should you have no fear, as today’s passage states? What message have we been given that we are to proclaim? Whom do you know that needs to know the light and freedom of the Gospel message? God knows and loves you intimately; you are not forgotten. How does that make you feel? Have you acknowledged Jesus before others? When? How? What happened when you did? What are ways that we have the opportunity to acknowledge Jesus before others? What happens if we deny Jesus before others? Please subscribe to our channel! Daily Virtual Mass Schedule: Daily Weekday Masses : Mon. - 5:45PM, Tues. - 7:30AM, Wed. - 5:45PM, Thurs. - 7:30AM & Fri. - 7:30AM. Weekend Mass: 4:00PM Saturday Mass 7:30AM, 9:15AM & 11AM Sunday Mass Fr. Mahan and Fr. Meyer alternate weekly. Resources for online Mass: http://allsaintscatholic.net/worship/ Listen to Sunday Homilies! https://bit.ly/3tQRBDr Check out our PEACE ON EARTH Daily Advent & Christmas reflections! https://bit.ly/3V0z1Vg Visit our parish website! http://allsaintscatholic.net/ Follow us on: Facebook - / allparish Twitter - / allparish Instagram - / allparish Podcast - https://www.podbean.com/pu/pbblog-tet...