3 Technique 0f Square Knot Macrame Bracelet Using Two Color | Macrame Bracelet Tutorial

3 Technique 0f Square Knot Macrame Bracelet Using Two Color | Macrame Bracelet Tutorial

3 Technique 0f Square Knot Macrame Bracelet Using Two Color | Macrame Bracelet Tutorial Hi Macrame Lovers... There are 3 techniques you can try to make a macrame bracelet square knot with two colors. The three techniques are almost the same, the difference is only in the process of laying the position of the rope. Different rope positions when making square knots, will produce different motifs. The tutorial is simple and easy for beginners to follow. The following is the complete material you need to prepare to make this macrame bracelet square knot two colors: 1. 1 mm satin strap (you can use other types of straps) 1 thread x 45 cm (dark green) 1 thread x 110 cm (dark green) 1 thread x 110 cm (bright green) 1 thread x 25 cm (to make sliding knots 2. Scissors 3. Lighter The size of this rope is to produce a bracelet with a circumference of 17 cm. You can reduce or increase the size of the strap according to the actual size of your hand circumference. Overall, only 2 knots are used: square knots and leaf knots. If you are still unfamiliar with these two knots, you can learn about them in my previous video about macrame basic knots. I have included the link below. Let's see the tutorial until it's finished and hopefully it's useful. Hello Macrame, @macrameverse If there are suggestions, questions, feedback or others, please leave them in the comments column. It is recommended to activate SUBTITLE to make it easier to understand the explanation in the video It is recommended to set the video display with high quality, so that the display can be seen more clearly. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and activate the bell button so you don't miss the next creation. Related videos: 1. 7 Macrame Basic Knots for Macrame Micro Project Link :    • 7 Macrame Basic Knots for Macrame Mic...   2. Macrame Bracelet Using Square Knot Variations Link :    • Macrame Bracelet Using Square Knot Va...   3. DIY Macrame Bracelet Square Knot Link :    • DIY Macrame Bracelet Square Knot Vari...   4. 4 Technique of Spiral Knot Macrame Bracelet Using Two Color Link :    • 4 Technique of Spiral Knot Macrame Br...   #Macrame #MacrameBracelet #MacrameBraceletsquareknot Find Me On : Instagram :   / macrame.verse   Facebook :   / macrameverse