Make a STUNNING Macrame Bracelet with JUST 1 Knot and Beads
#macramebracelet #macrametutorial #friendshipbracelet Hi! I made a beautiful beaded bracelet using simple stone beads and some basic diy techniques. This jewelry piece features elegant wire wrap details that create a stunning pattern perfect for any style. For more bracelet ideas and inspiration, check out my other tutorials that will help you create your own unique pieces. 😘 This time I will invite you to make a Square Knot with Beads macrame bracelet. This micro macrame is made using only basic knots or square knots and with beautiful bead accents. The materials that need to be prepared to make this macrame bracelet are: 1. Korean wax rope 1 mm diameter 2. 3 & 4 mm beads 3. Scissors 4. Lighters The type of knot used to make this macrame bracelet is a square knot. Thank you for watching. Hope it is useful. • Learn Double Lark's Head Knot in 60 S... • MACRAME Master Reveals Shocking Doubl... • MACRAME Master Shares Top Double Lark... • MACRAME Master Shares Top Double Lark...