Kreuzberg Headquarters - Sniper Elite V2 Remastered - Part 9 - 4K
The protagonist is U.S. Army Second Lieutenant Karl Fairburne (Tom Clarke-Hill), a German-American OSS operative and skilled sniper who is inserted into Berlin in 1945, during the final days of World War II. The game starts with Fairburne discussing Operation Paperclip and its predecessor, Operation Overcast, as the United States makes an effort to recruit the top scientific personnel of Nazi Germany with offers of employment. Fairburne is tasked with tracking down key individuals involved with the development of the V-2, which pits him against both the fanatical German forces defending Berlin and the invading Soviet forces who are eager to recruit the scientists to their side. The campaign's first mission has Fairburne assassinating German Major-General Hans von Eisenberg as he meets with a Soviet agent to defect to Russia. He escapes, and is given a new target: Dr. Gunther Kreidl, an expert in rocket engines who is being escorted out of the city in a military convoy. After laying an ambush, Fairburne eliminates Kreidl and obtains documents revealing the location of Germany's primary V-2 production facility, where Kreidl's three colleagues are hiding. Fairburne infiltrates the facility and destroys it with C-3, but finds no trace of the scientists. However, he overhears a radio message revealing that one of his targets, Dr. Efram Schwaiger, has been caught trying to defect to the American side, and was now being held at a detainment camp at the Opernplatz. Ordered to secure Schwaiger as a valuable asset instead of killing him, Fairburne begins making his way towards the Opernplatz. To distract the Germans, he locates a cache of explosives and destroys a bridge, provoking the Soviets into attacking a German garrison at an abandoned museum. As expected, German reinforcements arrive to defend the position, allowing Fairburn to slip by during the ensuing chaos. He then infiltrates a military camp at the Opernplatz, saves Schwaiger from execution in the nick of time, and provides covering fire as the scientist flees to safety, before holding off a detachment of Soviet troops sent to capture him. Schwaiger is mortally wounded in the process, however, and with his dying words states that "Wolff has a plan" involving someone or something called "Tabun". Unsure of what to make of this information, Fairburne proceeds with his mission and hunts down his fourth target, Oberst (Colonel) Müller, whom he kills with a long-distance shot from atop a flak tower during an air raid on Berlin. To locate his last target, Dr. Wolff, Fairburne raids a Soviet special operations command post in East Berlin. There he obtains intel revealing that "Tabun" is a powerful and lethal nerve agent, and that Wolff has masterminded a plan to help Soviets load the last of Germany’s V2 rockets with it and launch them at London, with the intention of later making the attack look Germany’s final act of revenge. Deciding to postpone Wolff’s assassination and prioritize stopping the V2 launch, Fairburne begins to look for clues regarding the location of the launch site. His search leads him to Wolff's private office near the German Ministry of War, where he finds a notebook revealing Wolff's plan to escape aboard a Soviet airplane and a tattered map detailing the locations of all V-2 storage facilities and launch sites, of which only one is still operational – and in Soviet occupied territory. Arriving at the launch site just as the Soviets are fueling one of the rockets for the attack, Fairburne destroys it by detonating its fuel supply. He then fights his way back to the Brandenburg Gate, where only a few days earlier he had assassinated von Eisenberg, and where Wolff is about to escape with a Soviet escort. With a single, desperate shot from the top of the structure, Fairburne critically injures Wolff as he's speeding away, causing his car to swerve and flip over. As the Battle of Berlin comes to an end, Fairburne remarks that while World War II may be over, a new conflict is just beginning, and that his actions have made him its first soldier.