Learn ELVIS: Can't Help Falling in Love - PICKING GUITAR TUTORIAL
Today we learn Elvis Presley - Can't Help Falling in Love. An absolute classic song from 1961 and a great way to get your fingers picking. The fingerpicking guitar tutorial works through the song looking at the chord sequences (with boxes & charts), the fingerpicking rhythms (with visual references and guitar close-up). The chords you will need for this song are C, Em, Am, F, G, B7, A7 & Dm. I have used the F barre chord in the song but also shown easier alternatives in the F/C or Fmaj7 chords if you need something a little simpler. We use a capo on fret 2 to put us in the same key as the Elvis recording. If you need to change the fret number to suit your voice (as I do when I sing it) feel free to do so. Likewise, if you don't have a capo you can play without a capo and all of the instructions remain the same. The fingerpicking pattern is in the count of 6 - we use Thumb, Index, Middle & Ring fingers for best practise. This will set you up for more songs in the future. Take time to master this pattern in this way slowly. If you are unable, for whatever reason to use these particular fingers please use the ones you are able to use. The picking pattern occurs throughout the song so once you have the chords and pattern under your fingers you are good to go. The song is a nice pace and it's a great example to practise your fingerpicking techniques. Most of all.... enjoy! 🎸 Listen to the full play-through ➡️   • CAN'T HELP FALLING IN LOVE  by Elvis ...  Chapters: 0:00 Can't help falling in love guitar tutorial intro 0:30 chords 1:00 picking pattern set-up & capo info 3:22 chord sequence 1 demo (verses) 4:00 picking breakdown with chord sequence 1 5:38 verses demo with chord chart 6:14 chord sequence 2 breakdown (bridge) 7:14 sequence 2 demo with chord chart 7:38 intro 7:51 song structure 8:24 play-through Verse 1, 2, Bridge, Verse 3 Listen to the full- playthrough ➡️    • CAN'T HELP FALLING IN LOVE  by Elvis ...  👉BUY ME A BREW - https://jobywaterguitartuition.com/pr... 🎸PDF DOWNLOADS -https://jobywaterguitartuition.com/gu... 🎸BOOK A ONE TO ONE WITH ME - https://jobywaterguitartuition.com/ 🤓REGULAR BLOGS - https://jobywaterguitartuition.com/blog/ I have played a variety of guitar styles since I was inspired by Nirvana and GnR in the 90s. I have been involved in countless bands and projects over the years and have been teaching guitar since 2002 and full time since 2012. I work with and have worked with a vast range of learners face to face and online. Online is an excellent and very effective way to learn guitar if you have the right teacher. Gear: Taylor 214ce Dunlop nylon pick .64 Fender pro lead Elixir strings .12 Fender Hot Rod Amp Positive Grid Spark 40 amp shure motiv mv88+ mic Røde Lav+ mic #can'thelpfallinginloveguitartutorial #can'thelpfallinginloveguitarlesson #howtoplaycan'thelpfallinginloveguitar #howtoplayElviscan'thelpfallinginloveguitar #elvispresleycanthelpfallinginloveguitartutorial #elviscanthelpfallinginlovewithyouguitarlesson #learncanthelpfallinginloveguitar #guitarpickingcan'thelpfallinginlove #jobywaterguitartuition