Supplements To Prevent Covid / Optimize Your Immune System Naturally
We use natural remedies and supplements in our practice and have for many years. The body requires proper nutrients to stay healthy and ward off pathogens and infections. Most people are deficient in many vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, especially zinc, calcium, magnesium and vitamin C. It isn't possible to get everything you need just from a good diet so taking supplements can be very beneficial in this way. In this video I explain the exact products we use for preventing illness including colds, flu, Covid and other viruses. Our favorite companies are Standard Process and Mediherb. GET PRODUCTS FROM VIDEO HERE: https://bit.ly/3BIGbn7 GET OUR FREE DOWNLOAD: TOP 3 NUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES: https://fasttracktohealth.net/gift/ WANT TO WORK WITH US? Schedule FREE consultation here: https://bit.ly/2Tf8xjH LET'S GET SOCIAL: Facebook: https://goo.gl/WHDxh9 LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/Tsd3dL Instagram: https://goo.gl/SsUX2X At Fast Track to Health our mission is to educate, inspire and encourage our patients to improve their health through natural and holistic means. We take an integrative approach to health and healing and use the best of what Eastern and Western medicine has to offer. If you enjoyed this video about supplements, be sure to subscribe to the channel for more videos on how to manage a variety of ailments, like this video and visit my website below. If you’d like to share your own health and healing tips or have a question, leave them down in the comments section, and I will do my best to answer you. Thanks for watching today’s video! These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Stephanie Iannarone is not a medical doctor. She is a board certified and licensed acupuncturist, certified holistic health wellness coach and certified functional medicine practitioner.