Water cycle l ShowNTell on water cycle l Water cycle lapbook

Water cycle l ShowNTell on water cycle l Water cycle lapbook

Water cycle l ShowNTell on water cycle l Water cycle lapbook Hello friends this is Amrapali , welcome to my channel Growingupwithu. About this video : I found teaching water cycle to my kid was difficult because of the big words involved . So thought of making the project on "water cycle" so that we can use those words along with the small activities in project so learning becomes a fun experience . Do let me know your views in comment box below . Thank you for watching 😊 Some other videos : How to make cardboard pages    • How to make cardboard pages for art n...   Modes of transport    • How to make modes of transport projec...   Rainy season    • Video   About this channel : Learning starts from home . During childhood kids brains are like sponge so whatever we give they will absorb . But at the same time this should not be a boring process. So I have tried to give it a creative edge for better understanding of the subject which can be easily done at home . These projects can also be used as show n tell activity in schools. So friends if you like my channel Growingupwithu do Subscribe . Thank you so much ☺️ Email - [email protected]