Top 10 Drinks On The Carnival Cruises Cheers Package! #carnival #cheers #cruise #drinks #alcohol

Top 10 Drinks On The Carnival Cruises Cheers Package! #carnival #cheers #cruise #drinks #alcohol

Join Richard And Kirsten For A Taste Test And Review Of The Ten Best Drinks On Carnival Cruise Lines! The List: 10. Sangria Swirl (Available At EVERY Bar Onboard) 9. Parched Pig Beach Lager (Available Canned On All Ships And Brewed On Newer Ones) 8. The Perfect Storm (Available At The Alchemy Bar) 7. La Tropical: La Original Ambar Lager (Available On Ships With Havana Bar) 6. El Diablo (Available OFF MENU at Alchemy Bar) 5. 555° (Available At The 555° Steakhouse) 4. Watermelon Martini (Available At The 555° Steakhouse) 3. FunShip (All Over On 1st Day Of Cruise, Available By Request Anywhere After 1st Day) 2. Zany Zombie (Only At The Comedy Club Before A Comedy Show Begins) 1. Smoky Watermelon Margarita (Only At The Bar On Ships With Guy's Pig And Anchor BBQ)