Why monitoring ovulation is important when trying to conceive? #OnlinePatientMeeting
Watch the recording of the online patient meeting with Kate Davies, an independent fertility nurse consultant, who answered questions about monitoring ovulation when trying to conceive. Contact the expert and ask more questions: https://www.myivfanswers.com/author/k... -------------------- Find your IVF answer: https://www.myivfanswers.com/ Find out more about the #StrongerTogether initiative for IVF patients: https://www.myivfanswers.com/stronger... --------------------- Watch all #IVFWEBINARS and #OnlinePatientMeetings: https://www.myivfanswers.com/ivf-videos/ --------------------- Find an IVF or egg donation clinic abroad: https://www.eggdonationfriends.com/ https://www.fertilityclinicsabroad.com/ -------------------- Download free IVF ABROAD - Patients' Guide - an add-free guide for patients https://www.whereivf.com/ -------------------- Follow us on Social Media: / myivfanswers / eggdonationfriends / fertilityclinicsabroad / myivfanswers / egg.donation.friends / fertility_clinics_abroad / whereivf_com