this SIMPLE journaling system can change your life

this SIMPLE journaling system can change your life

Good evening everyone! This Saturday I talk about the journaling system that allowed me to prosper and succeed in many areas of my life including my academic life. Pitifully, there're little videos on actual journaling systems or journaling instructions, therefore this video seeks to fill a void :) --- Instagram:   / th0m___s   X: I'm Thomas. I'm a Psychology student, a philosophy and self-improvement enthusiast. Please seek out professional advice if you really need it. I'm a person sharing lessons and about things I'm currently studying. Tags journaling,self-improvement,journaling systems,how journaling changed my life,1000 days of journaling,this is what i learned from 1000 days of journaling,how i journaled,how i journal,how to journal,this simple journaling system can change your life