How I grew 5x more bell peppers in my second summer of growing in my South African backyard

How I grew 5x more bell peppers in my second summer of growing in my South African backyard

As a new gardener last year who had no experience growing anything except mold on an old sandwich, I thought I would grow some Bell Peppers to go along with my tomatoes and basil, because you know...salsa. The unfortunate thing is that having no prior knowledge of growing, I planted them in the incorrect position, but I didn't know that at the time, and in fact it took almost a year before I realized my mistake. This current growing season I was determined to grow more food than I could eat so I started off ambitiously and then managed the damage along the way. With the knowledge and experience I gained over the last year I was able to increase my Bell Pepper harvest yield from 830g to 2.5kg...which I would not say is insignificant. In this video I will outline the entire process, from bed prep and transplanting all the way to growing and harvest. I even found a little surprise while filming. So, if you are interested in growing sweet peppers and you do not have any growing experience, then this video is definitely for you, and even if you do have some experience, come along for the ride and laugh with me on my journey as a beginner gardener to grow more food than I can eat.