Top 3 PORTAL + SWORDMAIN UNESCAPABLE Combos Bounty Hunt - Blox Fruits

Top 3 PORTAL + SWORDMAIN UNESCAPABLE Combos Bounty Hunt - Blox Fruits

These combos are insanely overpowered because they are unescapable and the best one shot combos for bounty hunting / pvp and gaining 30m bounty fast in Blox Fruits. Video link:    • Top 3 PORTAL + SWORDMAIN UNESCAPABLE ...   Roblox Profile: Spotted_Cougar - Discord User: blox_gaming_yt Roblox Group: Blox's Fans Group - Discord Server: Blox Hangouts -   / discord   #roblox #bloxfruits #portal #gravitycane #dragontrident #cdk #curseddualkatana #sanguineart #eclaw #eletricclaw #godhuman #combo #bestoneshotcombo #unescapable #bountyhunting #bountyhunt #pvp #easy #fast #efficient #simple #cracked #crazy #op #overpowered #braindead #broken #insane #meta