LIVE - Still Waters English Service | PAS BEN JOSHUA | EMPOWERING CHURCH
Year Of Excellence empowering #church #liveworship Pas. Ben Joshua | Empowering church Church Gatherings: Sunday Service: Tamil Service: 8:00 AM English Service: 11:00 AM Women’s Fellowship: First Saturday 5 PM Anointing Service: Second Saturday 6:30 PM Fasting Prayer: Third Saturday 10 AM Deliverance Meeting: Fourth Saturday 6:30 PM Youth and Teens Meet: Every Second Sunday 5 PM Kids Church: Every Second and Third Saturday 4 PM Description: TO SOW ONLINE: GOOGLE PAY: +91 8056134945 PayTM : +91 8056134945 phone pe : +91 8056134945 To Sow Your Seed: Church Building Fund A/C Name: Ben Joshua Raj Bank: IDFC BANK Acc : 10167588225 Ifsc : IDFB0080147 Branch - Pursawalkam Ps.Ben Joshua No 212, Konnur High Road, Ayanavaram , Chennai For Prayer Requests Contact : +91 80561 34945 #Empowering #church #sundayservicelive #sundaychurch #onlinechurchservice #LiveService #Tamilworship #worshipservice #SundayServicetamil #liveworshipservice #tamilchristianmessage #tamilservice #live #tamil #liveworshipvideos