Dividends from Shares are good or bad? | Kya hota hai Dividend ? | Amit Rathi | ARPY Asset
There are lots of ways of investing and making a profit from them, Capital market or share market is one of the most discussed and familiar among all. But most of us are not aware of "Dividend". But investors can earn a good amount from dividends. But before investing in Dividends you should know the pros and cons. Here in this video, you will get to know details about What Is Dividend? How You Can Get a Dividend? Why do Companies Offer Dividends? Profit and Loss of Dividend? How many times dividend can be passed in a year? Important information about Dividends! Don't have a Demat Account? you are just a click away: https://bit.ly/3L0mA7B For support Call: +91 97330 57323 eMail: [email protected] Become a partner with us: eMail us at [email protected], and we will get back to you. Website https://www.arpyasset.com/ Follow Us on Facebook: / arpyassetofficial Instagram: / arpyasset Twitter: / arpyasset LinkedIn: / arpy-asset #ARPYAsset #AmitRathi #investkarokhushraho #mutualfunds #longtermfinancialgoals #dividend #sharemarket #capitalmarket #bestinvestmentplan #profit #sharemarketprofit #whatisdividend #highshareprice #financialplanning #investment #investright