SERVICE SAMEDI MATIN | DESANM DELIVRANS | 12-21-2024 | Dr. Frantzcel Aguy | Sinai Haitian SDA Church
1. PRAYER REQUEST (Demande de prière) https://forms.gle/hkmyZMRJcwKcaisN6 2. ONLINE GIVING (DIMES & OFFRANDES): Adventist Giving: https://adventistgiving.org/#/org/ANT... Cash-app: https://cash.app/$SinaiSDA 3. THEOLOGY FORUM QUESTIONS (QUESTIONS POUR LE FORUM DE THEOLOGIE): https://forms.gle/4D5XhZ4qg1YyqKkm9 4. CONTACT: Address: 201 NW 46th Ave, Plantation, FL 33317 Phone: 301-801-0705 813-458-3123 954-792-7906 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.sinaisda.org Senior Pastor: Dr. Arbentz Pierre Antoine Associate Pastor: JeanTony Saint-Fleur / myko.claccemus 5. SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook: / sinaichurch.. . Instagram: / sinaihaitia. . 6. LIVE SERVICES (SERVICE EN DIRECT): Wednesday & Friday: 7:30 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM Veille De Nuit: Chaque 4ème Samedi du mois 6:00PM - Midnight Thank you so much for watching! Like, comment and subscribe to our channel for more videos. “Epi li di yo: — Ale toupatou sou latè, anonse Bòn Nouvèl la bay tout moun.” Mak 16:15 Pa bliye abone e klike sou kloch notifikasyon an pou ka okoran le nou en direct et le nou poste yon nouvo videyo! Mesi anpil pou sipot nou! Ke Bondye beni ou.