This Meditation Will Shift You to a Parallel Reality (WARNING THERE'S NO GOING BACK)
This is a guided meditation that will Shift You to the Parallel Reality you prefer. In the beginning I explain the perspectives that help to wire in the change and then after I lead you through a guided meditation that will help you to shift to the reality you want. Transcript below... This video, I'm going to be sharing with you a meditation that will shift you to a parallel reality. I'm going to share with you some ideas in the beginning that can help wire this in so that when you go into this meditation that I guide you through in a couple minutes, everything in your life begins to change and you start to experience a new parallel reality because of it. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now on this video I'm going to be giving you a guided meditation that will literally shift you to a parallel reality, and the thing with this is understanding the degree of change we create when we're shifting from parallel reality to parallel reality. Because here's the truth of the matter. We are constantly shifting through different parallel realities, whether we're aware of it or not. The idea behind this is understanding, and this is what physics is showing us, is that there are an infinite number of parallel realities that exist and they all exists right now in the present moment. We think in linear terms because we use the linear experience that we have, but in actuality we have never experienced the past because when it was the past, it was this moment right now, we will never experience the future because by the time the future gets here, it'll be this moment right now. So the power in this is understanding. First off, that the parallel reality that you want to experience exists right now in the present moment, it's simply vibrating at a different frequency. So this means that there's a version of you that is really successful. There's a version of you that's on the exact opposite side, and there's all the different versions of you all the way in between. Now, the one that you shifts to will depend upon your vibrational resonance and your vibrational residence has to do with how you think, how you feel, and how you act. Those three things make up the vibration that you partake in and a lot of it has to do with your feeling. How do you feel? That's why when we do the meditation here in a couple minutes, what we're going to do is put the awareness in our heart so that we increase the feeling that we have so that then we shift to the parallel reality that we want. Now, this is something I've experienced in my own life and sometimes it was even by accident. There was this one time that I was driving. This is probably back in 2011. I was driving and I was getting into a different lane. Now remember I was on a street here in Las Vegas and I was getting into a different lane and when I got into that lane I was getting ready to make a left and there was a median in the middle, so there wasn't a way for me to shift. You know, if a car was to come and hit me, what happened was there was this big truck that was getting into this other lane that was getting into the lane right in front of me, but it was almost like it was. It was not necessarily in front of me. It was rural. It was gonna run me into the median if I were to veer to the side because it didn't realize that I was there. I was in the blind spot and it was a huge u haul truck. So what happened is it was about to. I literally thought it was going to hit me. All the sudden I felt a jolt and then I was completely behind the car. Now, intuitively, what I think happened is in one parallel reality, I actually got hit into the medium who knows if I even made it and I even lived, but what wasn't relevant for so from a higher level I shifted myself to a parallel reality where that car was just in front of me and it was a really odd experience because I literally felt this big jolt and it wasn't a jolt like the car hit me, but it was gonna hit me and literally it was coming into me and then all of a sudden it was like this and I was just back. I was just behind it about 20 feet. So it was very interesting to me and I will never forget that, and that was something that kind of planted the seed for me. And then years later I learned about parallel realities. I learned about quantum physics and it's something that since then I've realized it can be even more powerful than what we call the law of... Song Adventures by A Himitsu / a-himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music released by Argofox • A Himitsu - Adventures [Royalty Free ... Music provided by Audio Library • Adventures – A Himitsu (No Copyright ... SONG: “A Pure Embrace” by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. https://www.christopherlloydclarke.com. Licensed by Enlightened Audio. This video is about This Meditation Will Shift You to a Parallel Reality