The 3 Steps to SHIFTING to a Parallel Reality INSTANTLY
WARNING these 3 Steps will SHIFT you to a Parallel Reality will INSTANTLY and there is NO going back. In this video I'll share with you a POWERFUL mantra that will help you INSTANTLY shift to the Parallel Reality you want to experience. This POWERFUL mantra will give you permission to exist in the parallel reality you prefer. ➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below… ➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu ➡For my 7 Day Law of Attraction Morning routine Course Click below ➡ http://bit.ly/2ESuSPq ➡Click here for the Law of Attraction Accelerator Program (limited discount) ➡ http://bit.ly/2oPX10s lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening This video, I'm going to be sharing with you the A, B, C's of SHIFTING to a parallel reality INSTANTLY. and by the end of this video, you'll have a mantra that when you apply in your life, you begin to shift easier than ever. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video, I'm going to be sharing with you a very powerful three worded mantra that when you say reminds you that you are continuously shifting from parallel reality to a parallel reality. And what this will do is this will give you permission to start to exist in the parallel reality you prefer by understanding first off, that the outer reality that you experience in your life is a direct reflection of your inner reality. And it's a direct reflection of what is equal to the vibration you are putting out. Now, the truth of what quantum physics is showing us is that we're continuously shifting from parallel reality to parallel reality, and that everything exists here in now. The easiest metaphor for understanding this and then I got it from was this understanding and this analogy of a filmstrip analogy. If you have a film strip and if you have a film strip and you were to stretch it out, you would see there's individual frames within that film strip. Now you know that if you were to film and have the light going through the film strip onto a projector, you know that even though it appears that it's going so fast that it's one long fluid movements, it's actually individual separate frames. Now it looks like it's one linear movement. That's because we have the ability to tag on memory and we're able to see that it looks all fluid and it glues together. What we think of as time is the movement through different parallel realities. Now there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist. I'll be honest, when I heard this is like is there, the idea is like you're shifting through billions of parallel realities per second. I'm like, Bro, I be like, that's a lot. Like, can you really be shifting through billions of parallel realities per second? Come on, Bro. Come on. However, thinking of it like this one little variable changes in the reality. It's a totally separate frame. Just like we know, even though this frame it, even if you had another frame that looks like this, it looks very similar, but they're two totally different frames within the film strip. Even if you had this karate Ninja guy or you had this, which is the exact same, it would still be two completely different frames and the same way, imagine I'm like this and then there's a fly over there and then I'm still like this, and then there's a fly over there. Those are two separate, totally separate parallel realities. So seeing it and starting to understand this, it makes it easier for us to understand how reality really works because it works based on vibration and it works based on momentum. There's a certain timeline the each one of us are on and when we start to make new choices, we shift that timeline. So this is the awareness that even in the present moment right now, your body has cells in it that are dying and being regenerated every moment, every moment. This is scientifically shown that every so often what is it? Every period of time, every single cell in our body dies and is reborn. So the body that we had when we were a baby isn't even who we are. Now. We're recreating ourselves in every moment whether we are aware of it or not. But what quantum physics is showing us is that anytime we make a choice that is putting us into a new experience and the power of parallel realities is understanding that you can choose a new story. Our stories create our life. The only reason you continue to experience the same thing over and over again because this is the paradox of it all. If you experienced the same thing over and over again, which is honestly 90% of the people in the world because they do the same things every day, they feel the same emotions every day and... Song Adventures by A Himitsu / a-himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music released by Argofox • A Himitsu - Adventures [Royalty Free ... Music provided by Audio Library • Adventures – A Himitsu (No Copyright ...