How To Create An Effective and Personal Land Acknowledgement
If you are a Canadian, you reside on the ancestral territory of an Indigenous nation. Fostering a healthy relationship that is reciprocal with that Indigenous nation is super important. A Land Acknowledgement is a small way for you to acknowledge oneself and their relationship to the land and to the Indigenous peoples who care for it. Indigenous peoples roll their eyes at most contemporary Land Acknowledgements. So I have created a 7 minutes 4 part guide to creating an effective and personalized Land Acknowledgement. Unsure what Native Land you might reside on? Use the incredible map tool Native-Land to find out: https://native-land.ca/ Looking for some resources to help in your research or reconciliation efforts: https://linktr.ee/Zhaawnong?utm_sourc... Music: "Sappheiros - Dawn" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0) / sappheiros Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://bit.ly/dawn-song