Black Myth Wukong : Chapter 4 Ending: Part 3- Purple Cloud Mountain & Temple of Yellow Flowers

Black Myth Wukong : Chapter 4 Ending: Part 3- Purple Cloud Mountain & Temple of Yellow Flowers

Purple Cloud Mountain: Valley of Blooms Purple Cloud Mountain is awfully autumnal and full of colours, which is a great change of pace from some of this Chapter's other dreary environments. It's also fairly linear, so keep progressing up the foresty path until you come across a snake NPC in a tree lamenting her husband. Talk with her then cross the bridge to reach the "Valley of Blooms" Shrine. Keep going forward until you reach the "Bounds of Deity's Abode" Shrine. Climbing the hill near here will also give you access to The Ledge Meditation Spot. Purple Cloud Mountain: Bounds of Deity's Abode From the "Bounds of Deity's Abode" Shrine, go up the steps and you'll see the Scorpionlord lazing around on the roof of a building. He warns you against bothering him, but if you want the hardest fight in Chapter 4, ignore this sound advice and instead break the alcohol pots on the ground. You can also choose to not engage - Scorpionlord will actually come to your aid against the final boss of Purple Cloud Mountain, Duskveil, if you take this peaceful route. However, you also won't get all of the drops that come with beating Scorpionlord, including the Stained Jade Gourd, which massively increases your drinking speed. Fighting Scorpionlord will probably take many, many tries - he didn't warn you to avoid messing up his booze for nothing! Beware his dangerous tail strikes and practice on recognising his attack patterns, since there's really no easy way to cheese him. Cloud Step comes in handy for a reprieve here, and focus on unleashing those three Focus Point heavy attacks. After dealing (or not dealing) with the Scorpionlord, go back to the "Bounds of Deity's Abode" Shrine and go in the opposite direction to get to the "Petalfall Hamlet" Shrine. Purple Cloud Mountain: Petalfall Hamlet Beyond the "Petalfall Hamlet" Shrine you'll see a masked man ruminating to himself. This is Daoist Mi, who tasks you with getting him the Violet Hail, which is a drop you receive from battling the Daoist enemies in the area. After you give Daoist Mi the item, he turns on you and attacks, the asshat. Once you beat his first form, he transforms into an Amourworm-esque baddie. Beat him up some more and enjoy the cutscene when the snake NPC you met before - who is named Hong Yi - appears to give you his Violet Hail Transformation. From where you meet Daoist Mi, go further into the hamlet until you see a well with a large rock near it. Turn right, go down, and you'll spot the trail of "Cloudnest Peak" Shrine. Purple Cloud Mountain: Cloudnest Peak Go up the steps from the Shrine to enter a large area where you'll come face to face with the Duskveil. This is a tough boss with two stages, though if you didn't fight the Scorpionlord earlier, he'll jump into the combat and tag-team alongside you. Fighting alongside the Scorpionlord makes the Duskveil's first phase a snap, though once the Duskveil unleashes its second health bar and turns the screen red, the Scorpionlord will be insta-killed, alas. The key to beating the Duskveil with or without the Scorpionlord's assistance is to save your Spells for the second phase. Attack its legs and dodge once it fires red projectiles into the air, as a barrage of these will wreck you in quick order. At the end of the fight, Hong Yi will give you the Weaver's Needle, which is a handy Vessel that creates a needle that tracks enemy movement and does chip damage slowly. Following the Duskveil's defeat, you're done with Purple Cloud Mountain - let's go back to the Temple of Yellow Flowers to wrap this Chapter up! Temple of Yellow Flowers: Court of Illumination Return to the "Court of Illumination" Shrine and run north up the steps to find the last Purple Talisman of the Chapter. If you've followed this guide carefully and found all four Talismans, you'll suddenly be faced with Supreme Inspector. This is a secret, brief "boss battle" that's actually just a scripted preview of things to come in Chapter 6. Enjoy it, and try to figure out what exactly happened to the Fourth Sister, which seems to be what Supreme Inspector's communicating in his dialogue. Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master utilises a plethora of Lightning and Poison attacks, and once you've done enough damage, he'll turn the entire screen yellow, swallow his sword, and halve your max Stamina. Use the Weaver's Needle at the moment he turns everything yellow to destroy the orbs in the sky, stagger him, and make the fight a tonne easier. He's a pain, but honestly, Yellow Loong and the Scorpionlord probably provide more of a consistent challenge in this Chapter. ‪@Intel‬ ‪@retroridetech‬ #blackmythwukonggameplay #gaming #viralvideo #trending #blackmythwukongfinalboss