Sunday Service – Trinity 17,(Pentecost 18),Sung Eucharist, 22/09/2024 - HKSKH St Augustine's Chapel

Sunday Service – Trinity 17,(Pentecost 18),Sung Eucharist, 22/09/2024 - HKSKH St Augustine's Chapel

Sunday Service – 17th Sunday after Trinity, 18th after Pentecost, Sung Eucharist, 22/09/2024 - HKSKH St Augustine's Chapel Video recording of the Sunday Service - Holy Eucharist at HKSKH St Augustine's Chapel (Anglican/Episcopal) at Diocesan Boys' School 22nd September, 2024 Celebrant & Peacher : The Very Revd Franklin Lee Server: Crucifer: Harley Tsui Acolyte: Kelvin Lau, Ethan Lai Ciborium: Kelvin Lau Chalice: Lincoln Cheung, Kim Chan Lectors: Constance He (1st reading), Charlotte Tam (2nd reading) Greeters: Constance He & Charlotte Tam Intercessor: Edwin Tsui Announcer: Kim Chan Choirmistress: Shirley Yeung Organist: Louise Kwan Audio Visual Support: Raymond Wong, Alex Tam Sunday School: Doorperson : Annetta Pang, Esther Yee, Rowena Chan, Vivian Chan Kinder: Fiona Wong Lower Primary: Caroline Chee Upper Primary: Dennis Chan