Uniformly charged cylinder using Gauss' Law to find electric field inside and outside the cylinder.
00:00 Given a uniformly charged cylinder of radius R and volume charge density rho, we find electric field inside and outside the uniformly charged cylinder using Gauss' Law. After finding the electric field due to a charged cylinder, we rephrase the results in terms of linear charge density, lambda. Finally, we plot the electric field magnitude as a function of distance from the symmetry axis of the cylinder. 01:17 Electric field inside a charged cylinder. 04:59 Electric field outside a charged cylinder. 07:00 Expressing the electric field in terms of linear charge density. 09:03 Plotting the electric field as a function of distance from the symmetry axis. After finding the electric field of the uniformly charged cylinder using Gauss' Law, we verify that the electric field function is continuous at the surface of the cylinder, then we plot the electric field magnitude as a function of distance from the symmetry axis.