Let's dive into hypernatremia, or a high sodium level. We will break it down, step by step, so you are able to understand what is happening inside the body and can critically think through hypernatremia and pass your nursing school exams! KEY EXAM HACKS! 👉 • NCLEX Practice Questions: How to choo... 🩺 Free Critical Thinking Cheat Sheet https://nursingschoolofsuccess.com/yt... 💉 NursingSOS Membership Community Premium, step-by-step nursing lectures to help you pass nursing school (without stress and overwhelm). https://nursingschoolofsuccess.com/join 🎁 Get a Nursing School Box The Nursing School Boxes are packed with resources to help you pass your exams (like step-by-step guides, flashcards, and workbooks). https://nursingsos.com/shop --- OTHER VIDEOS TO HELP YOU PASS: How To Ace Dose Calc: • ACE Dosage Calculations in 6 EASY Ste... The Best Pharm Hack (You've Never Heard Before): • My #1 Pharmacology HACK for Nursing S... My TOP Study Tips: • How to Get Straight A's in Nursing Sc... --- LEGAL DISCLAIMER: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. These videos are intended for entertainment purposes only. Although we strive for 100% accuracy in all of our videos, errors may occur. Never treat a patient or make a nursing or medical decision based on the information provided on this channel or in our videos. Never practice nursing or medicine unless you have a proper license to do so. #hypernatremia #highsodium #fluidandelectrolytes