Computer Input and Output Devices | Computer Classes | Basic computer classes 🖥️ |
Computer fundamentals are the basic knowledge required to operate a computer, including its parts and how to use them. Some fundamental concepts of computers include: Hardware: The physical components of a computer. Software: The electronic instructions that make a computer perform tasks. Data structures and algorithms: The building blocks of efficient programming. Operating system: The software that runs in the background to manage a computer's basic functions. Input/output: The means by which a computer receives data and a user interacts with that data. Memory: The storage space for data like audio, video, documents, and images. Object-oriented programming: A programming concept that helps create compact and effective code. Your Queries Computer Fundamentals questions Computer Fundamentals Computer basic class Basic computer classes Computer generation Computer RAM COMPUTER power supply unit Computer motherboard Computer cooling system Computer input devices Computer output devices Computer mouse Computer keyboard Computer monitors Computer operating system Computer software Computer hardware