HOLY MASS: Tuesday of the 32nd week of ordinary time - Year B, 12th November 2024

HOLY MASS: Tuesday of the 32nd week of ordinary time - Year B, 12th November 2024

Turn your videos into live streams with Restream https://restre.am/ANIm coming to you from St. Denis Ssebugwawo Holy Cross Catholic Parish, Konge – Lukuli TODAY'S READINGS: First Reading: Titus 2: 1-8, 11-14 Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 37: 3-4, 18 and 23, 27 and 29 Alleluia: John 14: 23 Gospel: Luke 17: 7-10 TODAY WE REMEMBER: St. Josaphat, Bishop, Religious, Martyr HOW TO PAY WITH MOBILE MONEY DIRECTLY TO OUR PARISH BANK ACCOUNT; Self-register yourself with your mobile line through the link; https://collections.servicecops.com/e.... During registration, put your phone number, FOR YOUR DIOCESE select KAMPLA ARCHDIOCESE for YOUR PARISH select ST. DENIS SSEBUGWAWO HOLY CROSS, KONGE, then put your names and email. If you don’t have email put your place of residence. Self-registration is done only once, thereafter whenever you want to pay go to PAYMENTS and fill in your PHONE NUMBER. The system will recognize you and you’ll be able to contribute to your choice of category e.g. offertory, tithe, development etc…, a notification will appear on your phone showing how much you’re paying together With the charge and a mobile pin can then be authorized to complete the transaction. Please note that a payment will be showing that SERVICE COPS LTD has initiated and also deducted a payment being the merchant collector however the money goes straight to the church account set up.