Diamond Casino Heist Prep (Laser Drills w/Clifford Clones - Silent & Sneaky)
This is the Vault Laser Drill Prep for the Silent and Sneaky approach with the Clifford Clones variation of the mission. You have to go to a warehouse near Fort Zancudo and take out the Clifford Clones that have the drills, just be careful of the juggernaut that is outside. In the video we explain the best and fastest way to complete the mission. Music Credit: Zeskullz & The Dual Personality - Rocksteady (Original Mix) Song Link: • Zeskullz & The Dual Personality - Roc... Zeskullz Soundcloud: http://goo.gl/bcpySK #GTAV #GTA5 #diamondcasinoheist #silentandsneaky #diamond #casino #heist #prepmission #prep #weapons #easy #fast #easywaytomakemoney #rockstar #k4iz3ng4ming #kaizengaming #grandtheftauto #hacker #gunman #driver #best #top #vehicles #duggin #intel #securityintel #security #gauntlet #lossantos #van #powerdrills #safetydepositboxes #drills #hacker #driver #gunman #thebigcon #aggressiveapproach #approach #easyway #moneyguide #securitycards #cards #guards #vaultkeycards #vault #keycards #exitdisguises #NOOSE #nooseoutfits #cops #policestation #missionrow #gruppesechs #outfits #disguises #vaultdrills #vault #drills #garage #howto #DIY #vaultdoor *Disclaimer* We do not make any claims to the music in this video, we just added it because its an amazing song and for the viewers enjoyment during the video.