Kaju Pista Cookies | Only 5 Ingredients Eggless Cookies | घर पर बनाएं आसान काजू पिस्ता बसस्किट | ToN

Kaju Pista Cookies | Only 5 Ingredients Eggless Cookies | घर पर बनाएं आसान काजू पिस्ता बसस्किट | ToN

5 Ingredients Kaju Pista Cookies 🍪 Kaju Pista Cookies Recipe Ingredients- 100 gm Butter | मक्खन 50 gm Caster Sugar | चीनी का पाउडर 120 gm Refined Flour | मैदा 14 gm Vanilla Custard Powder | कस्टर्ड पाउडर 20 gm Cashew Nuts | काजू 20 gm Pistachio | पिस्ता Method - To make these cookies, we need only a few ingredients like 2 Tbsp cashew nuts, 2 Tbsp pistachios, 1 cup refined flour, 1/4 Cup caster/powdered sugar, 1 Tbsp custard powder and 1/2 Cup softened butter Now in a bowl, add room temperature softened butter and sugar Now whisk them together using a hand whisk or an electric beater Whisk them until it is a bit fluffy and slightly pale in colour Now add refined flour and vanilla custard powder Now fold them together until no dry flour is visible, do not over mix Now add roughly chopped cashew nuts and pistachios, leaving some for later use Gently fold them together with the cookie dough mixture Check the texture, it should be soft but shouldn't feel sticky at all Now cover it and let it rest for 30 minutes in the refrigerator Now take the baking tray and line it with silicon sheet or parchment paper, and pre heat the oven After 30 minutes take the cookie dough mixture out of the fridge, it would have become a bit hard which will be easy for shaping Now scoop out a tablespoon of cookie mixture and shape them as shown Here I'm making a round circle shape, you can give it any shape you want Make sure its neither too thin nor too thick, approx 1 cm thickness should be good Place them on your baking sheet Likewise shape all the cookies, and keep them at some distance from each other Now mix the remaining pistachios and cashews nuts Now take the cookies one by one and dip them into nut mixture and coat them well from the top as shown When done, slowly press the nuts so that the dry fruits stick to the cookies properly Your cookies are ready to be baked Bake the cookies at 180 degrees Celsius for about 18-20 minutes in a pre heated oven Your kaju pista cookies are ready, cool them completely before eating and storing Happy Baking 😀 Thanks Kanchan Vidhani #nankhatai #cookies #buiscuit #simplecookies #kidsrecipe #kids Follow me on Instagram -   / tasteofnivaaz_recipes   Follow me on Youtube -    / @tasteofnivaaz