April 24, 2021: Fourth Sunday of Easter 5 pm
Presider: Fr. Artur click below --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mass Celebrants for the Weekend of April 24 & 25, 2021 Saturday, April 24 at 5 pm - Fr. Artur (Mass will be live streamed) Sunday, April 25 at 7:30 am - Fr. Artur (Mass will NOT be live streamed) Sunday, April 25 at 10 am - Fr. Bob (Mass will be live streamed) Sunday, April 25 at 5 pm - Fr. Bob (Mass will NOT be live streamed) Click on the hymn titles for words and music! Prelude for Saturday: Londonderry Air--arr. M. Hanson / Hymne--Vangelis Prelude for Sunday 10am and 5pm: Preludio V--J.S. Bach Gathering: Amazing Grace Psalm: Ps. 118 The Stone Rejected--The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone. Gifts: (Instrumental) How Beautiful--T. Paris Communion: Easter Hallelujah-Text by K. Mooney, Music by Cohen, arr. J. Rickley Recessional: The King of Love My Shepherd Is Postlude: Christ Is Alive--TRURO, arr. W. Held Cantors Saturday 5pm: Kimmi Neuschulz and Mary Meeks Sunday 10am and 5pm: Sheryl Keane and Katie Caviness Bell choirs will play for Sunday 10am and Sunday 5pm. Brian, Sam, and Steve Johnson will be instrumentalists for Saturday 5pm ****************************************************** Fourth Sunday of Easter ========================================== Announcements: April 24/25, 2021 Announcements at end of mass: 1: The Sacrament of penance will be offered on all Monday evenings between 6:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the church. 2: If you are 18 years or old and were never confirmed, special sessions will take place beginning April 25 that leads to Confirmation on June 6. Please call or email Dr. Deb Kuzma at the parish. Information is in the bulletin. 3: Each Saturday evening throughout the Easter Season a new video is posted on our website with Fr. Artur providing reflections on the current week’s Gospel titled, The Upper Room. Announcement on Saturday at 5:00 p.m. and Sunday at 10:00 a.m. 1: Communion is available at the entranceway to the parish center in the parking lot between 11:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. every Sunday morning.