04/24/2021 - Fourth Sunday of Easter - Vigil Mass
Celebrant: Fr. Dennis Mary, SOLT
Fourth Sunday of Easter | Devotion of the Sacred Heart | Saturday Vigil Mass| 04/24/2021
Vigil Mass 5:15 pm 04 24 2021 St Thomas of Canterbury San Jose
04/24/2021 - Fourth Sunday of Easter - Vigil Mass
04-24-2021 5:00 pm Vigil Mass of Fourth Sunday of Easter, Fr Thom
April 24, 2020; Saturday Vigil Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Easter; 5 PM English Mass
Fourth Sunday of Easter | Devotion of the Sacred Heart | Saturday Vigil Mass| 04/24/2021
Vigil Mass - 4th Sunday of Easter - 04-24-2021
Vigil 4:30pm Fourth Week of Easter 04/24/2021
4th Sunday of Easter - 5pm Vigil Mass 04/24/2021
Fourth Sunday of Easter 04/24/2021
Fourth Sunday of Easter - Sunday Mass - 4/24/2021 - St. Jerome Catholic Church
Fourth Sunday of Easter, 5 pm vigil, Fr. Alfaro, Dc. Ernie