COMMUNISTS?! | The Last of Us REACTION 1x6 - "Kin"

COMMUNISTS?! | The Last of Us REACTION 1x6 - "Kin"

This show continues to excel in really complex and touching human drama in this world of mushroom zombies. This episode has some really great character work and dialogue, and we especially loved the different ideologies shown throughout this episode! We can't wait to get into the final stretch, and are nervous for what comes next, especially after that ending! Wanna see the next episode early? Follow the link below to go to our Patreon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get reactions early and uncut! Patreon:   / positvty   Thanks for watching! Subscribe for more and be sure to like and comment! #lastofus #lastofusseries #reaction #reactionvideo #reactions #tv #tvseries #reactionvideos #pedropascal #television #hbomax #hbo #bellaramsey #ellietlou #joeltlou #joel #ellie #discussion #review #episode6 #kin