Evening Prayer, Wednesday, Week of Proper 23, October 13, 2021
Evening Prayer, Wednesday, Week of Proper 23, October 13, 2021 FEEL FREE TO LISTEN OR JOIN IN AS MUCH AS YOU WISH. See below for resources if you want to participate: TO JOIN IN THE PSALMS AND PRAYERS: Option 1. Click here: http://breviary.stbedeproductions.com... or - Option 2. After the Opening Sentence, with the Confession on page 116 of the Book of Common Prayer, 1979 (“BCP”). Psalms 12-14 (page 597 in the Book of Common Prayer) SCRIPTURE READING Matthew 10:24-33 Find out more about the Holy Gospel According to Saint Matthew at https://bibleproject.com/explore/vide... Officiant: The Very Rev’d Tom Malionek, Rector of Saint Paul’s Church, Kinderhook, New York, a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany, in the Anglican stream of the Christian tradition. MUSIC: Composed and performed by Cathy Morris. All rights reserved. Used by permission. MORE ABOUT US www.saintpaulskinderhook.org / saintpaulskinderhook . Announcements and prayers for the week of October 10-16, 2021, are found in https://www.saintpaulskinderhook.org/... SUPPORT OUR MINISTRY click https://app.easytithe.com/App/Giving/... to make a one-time or recurring donation to Saint Paul’s, or to modify or cancel a recurring donation. For assistance with donations, call 518-758-6271 and leave a message. TO SPEAK TO A PRIEST or LEAVE A PRAYER REQUEST or REQUEST A BIBLE or REQUEST A BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER or CONTACT US https://www.saintpaulskinderhook.org/... SUBSCRIBE TO OUR WEEKLY E-MAIL NEWSLETTER http://eepurl.com/cG4YSv SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YouTube CHANNEL / @saintpaulskinderhook1851