The City of Hope Greater Saint Mary Church - Sunday Morning Worship - Aug. 21, 2022
The Message of the Day "An Unlikely Choice" Acts 9:10-19 Bishop James R. Chambers - Senior Minister The Participants in the Service Bishop James R. Chambers The Preacher The Intercessors The Reverend Sherrie F. Dampeer The Reverend Katherine V. Chambers Lector The Reverend Dorothy J. Crossway The Psalmist Sis. Keisha Whitney Musicians Darrell Neely Darrell Watt _______________ Audio and Media Engineers Calvin C. Grant, Jr. Kaylah Dilligard Courtney Berry Khmani C. Jackson Deacon Matthew Johnson Permissions: Christian Copyright Licensing International ccli: #11571455 One License: A-725122 Lessons are taken from the New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised, unless otherwise noted.