INCREDIBLE Bible Prophecies | Daniel's 70th Week EXPLAINED - Past or Future? The "he" of Daniel 9:27

INCREDIBLE Bible Prophecies | Daniel's 70th Week EXPLAINED - Past or Future? The "he" of Daniel 9:27

The Book of Daniel contains many incredible prophecies that powerfully confirm the Bible as truly being God's Word. Daniel's 70-Week prophecy (found in Daniel 9:24-27) has been hotly debated. Questions pertaining to this amazing prophecy that continue to be debated are: is this prophecy all fulfilled? Are aspects still waiting to be fulfilled? Is there a future Daniel's 70th week? Who is the "he" of Daniel 9:27? These questions are answered in this must watch video! Pastor Jason Robinson and Donny Budinsky demonstrate that there are future aspects to Daniel's 70 weeks that will be fulfilled in the end times. Although there was a localized fulfillment of Daniel's 70th week in 70ad (specifically the 7 year Jewish-Roman war between 66 and 73ad), there will be a much greater fulfillment during the final 7-year period known as the tribulation period. Pastor Jason Robinson and Donny Budinsky also provide amazing evidence for the "he" in Daniel 9:27 being a future Antichrist that comes in peaceably but ends up working deceitfully in order to come to full power through the dragon (Satan). Eschatology: A Comprehensive Examination of End Times - Pastor Jason Robinson (Change our Minds)    • Eschatology: A Comprehensive Examinat...   End Times Theology Dawn of the Antichrist (Book by Donny Budinsky): Black and White - Full Colour - End Times Theology Series by Donny Budinsky -    • End Times Theology Series with Donny ...   Eschatology Series 2 by Donny Budinsky -    • End Times Series 2 by Donny Budinsky   End Times Theology Debates Hosted by Standing For Truth Ministries -    • Dispensationalism and End Times Debates   Bible Prophecy (Pastor Jason Robinson) -    • End Times Prophesy   The Book of Revelation (Pastor Jason Robinson) -    • Revelation   The Book of Daniel (Pastor Jason Robinson) -    • Daniel   More on Daniel's 70 Weeks The 70th Week of Daniel | Who is the “he” of Daniel 9:27? -    • The 70th Week of Daniel | Who is the ...   Antiochus Epiphanes & The Antichrist -    • Antiochus Epiphanes & The Antichrist ...   End Times Open Mic Debate CHALLENGE | Daniel's 70 Weeks - Who is the "he" of Daniel 9:27?    • End Times Open Mic Debate CHALLENGE |...   Two Views of Daniel's 70th Week: Antichrist or Messiah? Donny Budinsky & Lazarus Conley -    • Two Views of Daniel's 70th Week: Anti...   End Times Debate (Daniel 9) | Who is the "He" of Daniel 9:27? || Donny Budinsky vs. John Myers -    • End Times Debate (Daniel 9) | Who is ...   Daniel 9:27 Showdown | Have Daniel's 70 Weeks Been Fulfilled - Donny Budinsky vs. Jamie Russell    • Daniel 9:27 Showdown | Have Daniel's ...   DISCUSSION | Who is the "he" of Daniel 9:27? - Donny Budinsky (Future) vs. Chris Lucas (Historicist)    • DISCUSSION | Who is the "he" of Danie...   Discussing Eschatology | Showdown on Daniel's 70 Weeks - Standing For Truth vs. Professing Preterist    • Discussing Eschatology | Showdown on ...   More on End Times Proving Pre-Millennialism | The ULTIMATE Refutation of Amillennialism & Post-Millennialism!    • Proving Pre-Millennialism | The ULTIM...   Overview of 1 Corinthians 15:22-24 & The Resurrection of the Dead | PREMILL vs. AMILL | Apparent Age -    • Overview of 1 Corinthians 15:22-24 & ...   Let's Talk Eschatology | Preterism, Matthew 24 (Olivet Discourse) & Proving the Pre-Wrath Rapture -    • Let's Talk Eschatology | Preterism, M...   End Times Theology | The Timing of the Rapture | THE MILLENNIUM -    • End Times Theology | The Timing of th...   The Truth About The Antichrist | 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7 - Who is the Restrainer? -    • The Truth About The Antichrist | 2 Th...   Biblical Eschatology | The Pre-Wrath Rapture & Historic Premillennialism - Pastor Adam Fannin    • Biblical Eschatology | The Pre-Wrath ...   The End Times | Pastor Tommy McMurtry - The Resurrection, Preterism & More (OPEN MIC DISCUSSION)    • The End Times | Pastor Tommy McMurtry...   Donny Budinsky End Times Theology Debates/Discussions -    • My End Times Theology Debates/Discuss...   To Support the Ministry: Standing For Truth Ministries OFFICIAL Website: Support Standing For Truth:   / darwindebunked   Interviews Hosted by Standing For Truth:    • Must Watch Interviews Hosted by SFT   Debates hosted/moderated by Standing For Truth:    • Debates Hosted by Standing For Truth