Your Best Years Can Start Now! #shorts #jesus #changeyourlife #jesusisrisen #victoryisassured
FIGHT TO WIN TV FRIDAY: Your Best Years Can Start Now! No matter your background, age, or circumstances, the power of God’s Word is for everyone. When you change what you’re sowing into your heart and mind, your life begins to transform. It’s not too late to see the best years of your life unfold—starting today! Don’t let a well-worn path of old habits block new seeds from taking root. The life you desire is as close as the seeds you choose to plant right now. Are you ready to start sowing for a different outcome? Watch 𝑭𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 To 𝑾𝒊𝒏 𝑻𝑽 on CTN every Monday to Friday or on our YouTube Channel! #changeyourlife #Jesus #FightToWin #JesusIsRisen #VictoryIsAssured #KurtOwenMinistries Learn More, Register for Events & Donate: https://www.kurtowen.com/ Watch the Latest Fight To Win TV Episode: https://www.fighttowin.tv/