HO'OPONOPONO MANTRA - 51 Repetitions for Deep Healing | Ho Oponopono |Manoj Kumar Army Man
HO'OPONOPONO MANTRA - 51 Repetitions for Deep Healing | Ho Oponopono |Manoj Kumar Army Man Welcome to our Channel, my name is Manoj Kumar – Army Man. DR Manoj Kumar, Army Man is a Money Manifest Coach with 26 years of experience including the Indian Army, Army College of Medical Science, and Army Welfare Education Society. He has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in their field and worked with a wide range of clients, each with their unique challenges, and developed a vast toolkit of techniques and strategies to help individuals improve their skills and achieve their Goals. I help people to solve their money problems and increase their income through scientific and proven techniques. Before you start, use your intention and attention... imagine you are connecting from heart to heart with the person or situation you wish to forgive, and repeat the Ho'opono Pono 51 times. You will get the best result if you do this deep healing exercise twice a day in the morning before you start your day and right before you go to sleep. Repeat out loud these 4 simple phrases are:- 1. I am sorry 2. Please forgive me 3. Thank you 4. I love you ho'oponopono 108 times ho’oponopono 51 times ho opono pono pono meditation ho opono pono pono ho’oponopono ho’oponopono prayer ho’oponopono chant ho’oponopono 108 ho’oponopono dr hew len ho’oponopono prayer ho’oponopono meditation ho’oponopono technique anxiety relief exam tension solution tension headache solution anxiety meditation peaceful music how to say goodbye tension man ki shanti ke eliye ekya kare anxiety relief music anxiety anxiety meditation #HO'OPONOPONOMANTRA-51Repetitions #HO'OPONOPONOMANTRA #ooponopono #selfhealing #forgiveness #selflove #gratitude #mindfulness #innerpeace #MentalHealthAwareness #sprituality #positivevibes #lawofattraction #meditation #healing #selfcare #wellneess #positiveenergy #SpritualGrowth #Mindfulness #selfimprovement #manojkumararmyman #manojkumar #armyman #LOA #hooponopono #prayer #drmanojkumarhealer #development #deephealing LICENSE CERTIFICATE: Envato Elements Item ================================================= This license certificate documents a license to use the item listed below on a non-exclusive, commercial, worldwide and revokable basis, for one Single Use for this Registered Project. Item Title: Healing Meditation 432Hz Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/healing-m... ID: V7AUQ53 Author Username: U-Music Licensee: Mitesh Khatri Registered Project Name: youtube License Date: January 25th, 2022 Item License Code: GZN85WMLFU The license you hold for this item is only valid if you complete your End Product while your subscription is active. Then the license continues for the life of the End Product (even if your subscription ends). For any queries related to this document or license please contact Envato Support via https://help.elements.envato.com/hc/e... Envato Elements Pty Ltd (ABN 87 613 824 258) PO Box 16122, Collins St West, VIC 8007, Australia ==== THIS IS NOT A TAX RECEIPT OR INVOICE ==== Please subscribe to our Channel. Thanks in Advance