THE BEST 2 PARTER EASY! - Avatar The Last Airbender Season 3 Episode 15: The Boiling Rock Part 2

THE BEST 2 PARTER EASY! - Avatar The Last Airbender Season 3 Episode 15: The Boiling Rock Part 2

My bad on the audio peaking, the mic move closer and I forgot to set it back further........yall will be ight tho lol. So yall was just hiding these boiling rock episodes from ya boy huh? There has been a bunch of moments they yall cleverly talked about in the comments to not spoil anything but gave me just enough insight to get a joke or reference when it does happen in the show. Yet yall really didn't talk much about these 2 episodes besides the "thats rough buddy" thing........... THIS WAS A MUCH APPERCIATED SURPISE. Good looking out on now spoiling these episodes yall, they my favorites easy lol. Here's the reaction to season/book 3 episode/chapter 15 of Avatar The Last Airbender "The Boiling Rock Part 2". Please enjoy yall. Toss A penny to your boy, editing vids is time consuming: Get earlier series reactions, join the membership here & support me further:    / @aegechill   Twitter:   / aege95   Twitch:   / aege95   Business Email: [email protected] BackUp Channel if this channel gets terminated:    / @aegebechillin   #Avatar #ATLA #AvatarTheLastAirbender #WheresMyGirlSuki